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Brookswood Neighbours Working to Preserve the Federal Lands

An informational website


Thank you for taking the time to find this website. It was created in early 2021 to provide information to the community regarding the Federal land in Surrey along 196th Street, where the farm and forest are located. It's a precious area of land that is well utilized for food production and also the forested portion by nature enthusiasts, dog walkers, children and innumerable flora and fauna.


This website should be used as a resource for the community and to advocate positively for the land and nature to be preserved.


We are a group of neighbours and concerned citizens working together to help preserve the greenspaces of South Surrey and South Langley. We have come together concerned about the potential loss of the Campbell Heights Federal Land between 192 St. and 196 St. North of 36 Ave. along the Surrey - Langley border. It may be sold to become part of the Campbell Heights Industrial Park. Our concern had been about the agricultural use of the property, but as we learn more we have expanded our focus, realizing that the green spaces are vital connections with the various green Hubs and corridors in Surrey and Langley. By working with others concerned about preserving these beautiful forests, productive farmland, and key areas of biodiversity, we seek to encourage a positive future for our community.


Special Notices


As of September 16, 2022, Tristin Bouwman of Heppell Farms initiated a Federal petition supported by John Aldag, MP for Cloverdale Langley. The petition intends to protect the Federal Land for agricultural use. As of December 2022, over 8,000 have signed. You can read and sign the petition and see the response from ISED Canada: at 


Here you can view John Aldag, MP, tabling the petition in the House of Commons.















On June 7, 2022 a petition was created by Tristin Bouwman of Heppell Farms to alert those interested in maintaining both the agricultural use and woodland habitat on the Federal Lands. As of this date, January 21, 2025, the petition had been signed by over 84,000 persons. See the petition at



We are asking for help on how best to move forward with preserving approximately 300 acres of Federal Land, including the forest and productive farmland next to Campbell Heights Industrial Park on the Surrey/Langley border. We are concerned that it may soon be sold and become part of Surrey's Community Plan as an Industrial Park, covered with warehouses. Ideally, we think it should be removed from the Campbell Heights Industrial Plan, and placed in the Agricultural Land Reserve. This video explains its importance.  If this is not possible, perhaps the plan can be amended to include its current use. After all, the agricultural activity is a significant employer that provides food security to the Lower Mainland and includes the green space we all require.  


The Federal land area was in part identified in the City of Surrey's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and part of the biodiversity green corridor and HUB, that links to Langley's green corridors. Hopefully all of these green corridors may be linked and preserved with those in Langley.

We encourage you to look at the publicly available mapping info via Surrey's COSMOS system, or the City’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). COSMOS shows the portion of forest in the immediate southeast portion is already owned by the City. The remainder is Federal. The forested portion of that, including Anderson Creek, is a designated Hub (“B”) and segment of corridor (#59) within Surrey's Green Infrastructure Network. 


We understand that if Species at Risk are identified, the Federal Government will preserve the land. How can we identify the existence of species at risk on this land? As we learn more about these issues it is interesting to know of recent research about species at risk in the Fraser Estuary

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